Rebecca has been a compassionate and supportive counselor for me. She challenges me to go deeper in exploring issues with a sense of curiosity instead of judgment. I always look forward to our sessions and appreciate being able to share my innermost feelings in a safe space.


"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

Psychotherapy and Spiritual Mentoring

An Approach that is Intuitive and Practical

Life is constantly asking us to adapt to change. When we can learn to embrace change and skillfully navigate challenges, our lives expand into new possibilities for growth and healing. With a profound respect for each person's innate ability to heal and transform, my intention is to empower you to experience life in an authentic, grounded and compassionate way. My therapeutic style is intuitive and practical. Together we will navigate the complexity of your inner world and we will explore the impact this has on your relationships, creative endeavors and self-expression. Although each session is unique, we will draw on simple, yet powerful tools such as mindfulness, conscious breathing and listening to the body. The practice of mindfulness provides insight into habitual thought patterns and core beliefs that influence our perception of ourselves and our relationship to the world. It also helps to bring implicit memories into conscious awareness so that the healing process can unfold.