Yoga and Meditation Sangha

Creating Sacred Space for Group Meditation

This group has been gathering weekly on Monday evenings for twenty years. Each session begins with a few moments of guided meditation to transition from the distractions of our day into a more focused, centered state of mind and connection to the body. This is followed by an opportunity for group members to share thoughts and feelings about how their personal spiritual practice has supported them throughout the previous week. In order to prepare the body and mind for an extended seated meditation, we spend 20-30 minutes exploring Restorative Yoga poses and pranayama, followed by the stillness of Savasana. Inspirational readings and spiritual teachings offered during the shared yoga practice help create a sacred space for the group meditation.

Participation in the sangha was a transformative experience for me. Thoughts giving way to stillness in the body and mind; heart opening poses guiding a path to equanimity, compassion and loving kindness. I am grateful for the many years I participated in the sangha, an experience whose benefits endure still.
